learn how can you save money and improve your wellbeing with water

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Plastic bottled water, Reverse osmosis, Berkley and Brita filters, learn more about most popular solutions and why they are NOT the best solution for your body!  I’ll send you a FREE PDF that tells you how water impacts your body!

Benefits and usages

Investing in this machine will replace many products in your home and help your body get rid of toxins!


Molecular hydrogen

Have access to the most powerful selective antioxidant on the planet everytime you open your tap!



Get better hydration for your body! This water hydrates you 6x more than the regular tap water!


toxic free disinfectant

Create your own toxic free disinfectant that kills bacteria faster than bleach! It’s just one button away and you can use it on your skin!



Unlike tap water, with our 11.5 water, you can remove pesticides from the food. (even your organic products can contain organic pesticides!)


Beauty water

6.0 is terrific to use for gentle cleaning and beauty care. Usage: face wash, hair care, pet care, polishing, cleaning, and preserving frozen food.


save money

With one machine that will last you for 15+ years, you can replace your cleaning products, drinking water, degreaser and so much more! The possibilities are engless!


If you watched the video you could’ve seen how changing your water can actually change your life. And the best thing is that these machines are produced by the company that’s been around for almost 50 years and they are the golden standard on the market. There is a reason why so many famous athletes are drinking it and also why so many doctors use it in their practices. 



In this PDF you will see what are the specifications of each machine, how much it costs and what are the payment options! Also bear in mind that each county has different tax regulations, examples in this PDF are for France that has 20% of tax.

what do others have to say?

Millions of people are using these machines, including some of the most famous athletes and actors! There is a reason for that. Check out what other customers have to say!

"Once I bought my K-8, Anespa shower unit and Ukone, I soon realized how beneficial they truly were to my health. I started researching and getting more and more information about how they could help. I started noticing changes in how I felt. I started having less and less symptoms of my celiac, my arthritic pain was less and less until now next to no symptoms or pain. When I was away for extended periods that’s when I really noticed not having it around. "
Tannis K Babos
"Three years ago I had a motorcycle accident in Sri Lanka and shattered every bone in my right foot aside from my big toe. The bones never properly healed and arthritis set in. Pain became a normal part of my life. Ofc, I can’t say for sure if it's water but since I’ve been drinking it consistently (for a few months now), I became pain free and the inflammation around my foot has gone down dramatically. I came back from a six mile hike painless for the first time ever in a long time. "
"I struggled with acid reflux for over 10 years. Everything would trigger my symptoms. I would wake up in the middle of the night & be almost vomiting due to the acid in my throat. 2 weeks after drinking Kangen my symptoms improved & I only experienced reflux with super triggering foods & alcohol . "
Stef Michelle
"After drinking the water for 4 months, I noticed all my eczema was gone and my skin was a lot more hydrated in the winter months than usual. The only difference I made was drinking 3L of 9,5 water on daily basis. "

Beatrice Vu
"I've been plant based for the last 10 years and I already had 2 endometriosis surgeries. Since I've started to drink 9.5 water, my periods are pain free for the first time ever. I originally bought the machine because I had a lot of stomach issues that also completely stopped. I can really notice the difference in my body when I travel and don't bring the machine with me. "

Ivona Kižlin
Since I started drinking Kangen Water two years ago I have had cleaner skin and no dermatitis flare ups which used to happen every winter. My skin is clear and radiant and needs less moisturiser cream than before. I also have healthy hair and teeth which is especially good as I didn’t see a dentist for over a year while we were in and out of lockdown. I drank Kangen throughout my pregnancy and had a very easy time with no heartburn or any other pregnancy related health issues, I didn’t get stretch marks either.
Molly Janes

Interested in buying machine?

Feel free to send me a message if you have any questions!


Here you can find frequently asked questions, if you have anything specific feel free to contact me via social media or Telegram!

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